ICOM F5021-F6021 SERIES Mobiles

The F5021 series is ideal for small-to-mid sized systems for public safety, large industry to light commercial users. The F5021 series offers multiple signaling, advanced scanning, improved external channel control capability and wide frequency coverage packed in a compact body. This rugged mobile easily exceeds your expectations with its reliable performance and communication quality.


F5021 51 136-174MHz mobile
F6021 51 400-470MHz mobile
F6021 52 450-512MHz mobile
Advanced Analog Mobiles
Frequencies: 136-174, 400-470, 450-512MHz
Output Power: 50W (VHF), 45W (UHF)
Channels: 128 channels, 8 zones
Channel Spacing: 12.5 kHz
Display: LCD with 8 character alphanumeric
Programmable Keys: 6
Mil Spec: 810 C, D, E, F
Scan: Normal & priority
External memory channel control w/ optional ACC cable
Tx channel setting & talk back function
Radio kill, stun, revive
Embedded ESN
Mode dependent scan
Lone worker function
Power-on password
Nuisance delete function
CTCSS / DCS Encode/Decode
2/5 Tone Encode/Decode
• Up to 10 2-tone codes can be decoded on a channel
• Up to 8 5-tone codes can be decoded on a channel
• Programmable items for codes: Beep sound, Answer back, Scan, Bell icon, Radio stun/kill
• PTT ID (Tx/Rx)
• Radio stun (Rx)
• Emergency TX/RX
• Radio check (Rx)
• Radio revive (Rx)
• 5 alias table
DTMF Encode
DTMF Decode

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