Two Way Radios are durable and convenient forms of communication meant to be used in different ranges and environments. Two-way radios come in handy in remote areas where cell signal is lacking, but communication is required. Whether you’re taking your family on a hiking trip or need to equip your entire workforce with the means to communicate on the jobsite, we have some tips to help you narrow down the right equipment for you.

Things to consider.


Analog or Digital?

Not all radios are meant to be used across larger distances and in extremely remote locations. Be wary of the term “long-range” radios without researching the brand and model number. For example, analog two-way radio options are majorly meant to be used in close range and in circumstances where communication isn’t mandatory like in an emergency scenario. The closer you get to the maximum range that the analog radio can handle, the more the signal will decrease. The quality and durability of an analog radio are still equally impressive, but this wouldn’t be the radio for you if your operation requires a fleet of radios that will travel to and from different locations on the jobsite up to 60 miles wide. A better radio solution for you if you need a longer range solution would be our Digital Two-way radio options that adapt and continue connectivity as distance increases between two-way radios.

Size and Weight

Depending on what you need radio equipment for, you’ll want to know which models and brands are lighter and more adaptable to the task you need it for. If you’re hiking up a mountain, you’ll obviously need an incredibly lightweight 2-way radio that doesn’t way down your pack. On the other hand, if your fleet of radios isn’t required to be strapped to a person, instead sitting in a company vehicle, the weight isn’t as critical.

Compatibility Between Two-Way Radios

Radios communicate depending on their frequency. There are two types of frequencies, FRS and GMRS. According to the FCC, GMRS or General Mobile Radio Service equipment is a commonly used communication method. It does require a license to utilize any 2-way radio equipment on a GMRS channel. A GMRS radio solution requires compatible GMRS on the other side to communicate. Shorter Range, FRS frequency solutions aren’t compatible with GMRS equipment and vis versa.

To learn more about your options with Continental Wireless two-way radio solutions, contact us today.

Repairing/updating your existing radios is not only cost-effective but a faster option than ordering new equipment and fighting the supply chain issues we are all experiencing.

About the Author

Rita Weber has well over 30 years of executive management experience in the wireless communications industry. Our performance record speaks for itself! We work with many different vertical markets including Education, Business, Manufacturing, Transportation, as well as Federal, State, and local agencies both domestic and international.